8 Of The Best Ways To Charge Your Device While Camping

Camping is about getting out into the great outdoors and getting away from your everyday problems. The last thing I want to do is to take lots of electronics with me so that I can be in continuous contact with people back home. You can have your head stuck to a screen when you’re at home so why waste your time camping if that is all you are going to do.

Yes, my opinions are a bit “old school” but it drives me nuts when I see kids spending hours on their phones at a campsite. They may as well not be there.

That being said, I can’t deny the benefits that technology has brought to camping. Simply checking in back home once a day can put your loved ones minds at rest. If you get lost, gps devices can get you back on track. You can even carry several books on a notebook which can save space and weight. And taking a picture of the amazing places you find is great for showing others when you get back home.

The problem with electrical devices is that they need electric to work. If you’re on a long camp then you will want to find a way of recharging or you really could be left in the dark ages.

There are two thing you could do to try to improve your battery life of your devices.

  1. Don’t have one device that does everything. Today’s phones can easily do all of the benefits I have listed above and much more. However, this will cause great drainage of the battery and you will soon be left with nothing. Having devices that are designed of one thing is the way to go.
  2. Turn off all apps on your phone and even better just turn it on periodically during the day. I turn mine on in the morning and the evening for a short while. This is just to check in back home and to be available in case of an emergency.

However, if you just can’t do without your tech then you’re in luck because there are lots of products that you can use that will keep your devices fully charged.

Power bank

Power bank is basically a fancy term for external battery. They’re a way to charge your device while on the go. The most common way to connect with your device is through a usb cable. This is one of the reasons that your phone charger will have a usb cable that will connect to your plug. The cable can be used to connect to other devices and to a power bank so that it can be easily recharged. They come in a variety of sizes so you will need to know which one you need.

What you need to know

The size of the power bank you need will depend on the size of the battery you want to charge and the amount of times you want to charge it. Power bank size is measured in mAh, which is milliamps per hour. This is not the physical size but rather the amount of power within the unit.

The flow of that energy is also something to consider. Some power banks come with 1 amp and 2 amp outputs. This won’t affect the amount the bank can charge but it will affect the speed it charges. For example, my phone will charge a lot faster when I am connected to the 2 amp output. However, I have a power bank that offers 2.4 amps but my phone simply won’t charge on this output.

Have a look at the adaptor plug that came with your device. It should tell you what your device will expect.

Smartphone batteries range from 1600 – 3450 mAh. That means you will need a power bank bigger than this if you want to be able to fully charge your smartphone.

For tablets you are going to need more power for a full charge. Some of the most popular tablets range from 8000 – 12000 mAh.

If you are planning to rely on your tech for navigation and communication while camping then I recommend getting a large capacity so that you can charge your device multiple times. If you don’t intend on using it much then you can get small units the size of credit cards. Just remember to keep it charged.


You can recharge anywhere. You don’t have to rely on the element like some of the other rechargering methods discussed below.


Can be bulky and heavy

Needs to be charged before use and when they are wasted they are useless so you will be carrying around dead weight.

The charging capacity may diminish over time.

Amazon have a great selection of power banks. Click here to check them out.

Portable lithium battery generator

These are the power banks big brother. They operate under the same principle as a power bank in that you need to have them charged before you use them but they can do more than just charge your devices. You can also run anything electrical from it such as lights, radios and cooler boxes. They are fast replacing gas generators as they do the same thing but are completely silent. They offer voltage outputs of 110v AC, 9-12v and 5v at 1 and 2 amps

What you need to know

They size of your unit will depend on how much electricity you intend on using. Portable lithium battery generators normally give their capacity in voltage hours. That means if you buy a 1000vh unit then you will be able to run a 100 watt bulb for 10 hours.

Power to your home is delivered in AC, alternating current. Because of this, all of the items in your home are designed to receive AC. Batteries on the other hand deliver DC, Direct Current, so you can’t simply connect a battery to your TV and expect it to work. Portable lithium battery generators have the ability to turn the DC from its battery to AC so that you can run any device from your home.


Silent, replacement for the noisy gas generators

Ability to run any electrical appliance


Only suitable for car camping due to the size and weight of the unit.

They don’t like getting wet.

You will have to find a way to recharge it for longer trips

Portable lithium battery generator have come a long way over the past few years and they are still getting better. Check out Amazon for what is available these days and buy the one that suits your needs.

Solar power

Having somewhere to store your power is great but what happens if you run out when your off grid. You’re going to have to find a way of recharging when your on the go.

Fortunately there are various way of doing this. The first here is solar panels. They use the energy from the solar rays (photons) then converts them into electricity (eletrons).The electricity can then be used to charge your device and /or your external batteries.

Solar panel technology has come a long was over the past few years. They are becoming more and more efficient.

What you need to know

As with everything, they come in all shapes and sizes. The quality of the panels also varies wildly so it may be worth an extra few bucks to get one that will work properly. If something looks too cheap then I would stay away from it. There are a lot of copycat brands out there that are selling trash.

You can get small pocket size panels but in my experience they just don’t generate enough power for the gadgets of today. They just aren’t a viable solution for modern smartphones but can still give enough power for something like a cell phone or MP3 player.  

The solution is to use a larger area to collect the sun’s rays. Foldable solar panels can be easily stored and are relatively lightweight.

For today’s power hungry devices you will want at least 7 watts of power. If you want to charge something a little bigger then you will want something with a bit more power, at least 15 watts.

For something like a laptop then you will need even more. These start to get really expensive when you get to this range of solar panel. Expect to pay 10 – 15 dollars for every watt your solar power is designed to achieve.

Some panels have power banks and dc to ac inverters and these will add to the cost further. Aim to get a electrical output of slightly higher than what you need. That way you will be able to charge your devices if the sun isn’t at its strongest.

If using this method I have seen guys strapping the panels to the outside of their backpack. This way they are able to recharge while on the go, assuming they are walking away from the sun.


You will be able to charge depleted batteries indefinitely, making this a viable long term solution


You need to have direct sunlight to achieve the solar panels potential.

Check you this link to amazon for a look at the latest portable solar panels.

Wind power

For areas of the world where sunlight is low then wind power may be your renewable answer. Portable wind turbines are a very effective for charging your stuff.

Unfortunately they aren’t very small. This doesn’t make it a great camping option unless you have a spot that you are planning to camp for a long time or for several times. If you are setting up a permanent camp then it would make sense to use a wind turbine. The technology is getting better but the smaller units just don’t generate power fast enough.

What you need to know

Like the solar panels, make sure they are able to generate enough power to charge your device. Yes, you can charge your devices with a small turbine but it would just take hours. For more power you will need a physically bigger turbine.

The faster the turbine spins then the more electricity is created. Your turbine should come with a controller. This is regulator the output voltage from the turbine. You don’t want your devices getting toasted when the wind picks up.


You don’t have to rely on good weather to charge your devices.


Way too big and heavy for hiking.

Obviously, it has to be windy.

Amazon have a great selection of wind turbine. Click here if you are interested in this option.

Water power

Water turbines are an effective way to get constant predictable energy flow. They work under the same principle as wind turbine but instead of the air turning the blades it is the water. When setting up camp next to flowing water you simply put the unit under the surface of the water. The water will flow through the turbine and turn the blades.

What you need to know

Water turbines aren’t really any more powerful than wind turbines. It is the supply that makes the difference. Once the unit is in place you can leave it there overnight or for days if you want. It will always supply electricity. So now it won’t matter if it take hours to charge up your devices as you supply won’t run out, like solar and wind energy.

That’s not to say that they can’t create ample energy supplies. The WaterLily Turbine (Amazon link) is able to create 15 watts if the water flow is fast enough.


Able to achieve reliable predictable energy which can be used to charge many devices 24 hrs a day.


Although they are not as bad as the wind turbines, they are not small. The turbine mentioned above weighs in at 2.8 lbs which isn’t bad but you wouldn’t want to be hiking too far with it.

Amazon have some water turbines here but the Waterlily Turbine is the best I have seen.

Fire power

You can now buy miniature stoves that you can burn small pieces of wood and electricity is converted from the energy of the heat of the fire. Genius!

The Biolite Campstove 2 is an ideal solution if you are already intending on bringing a stove. For just a little extra weight of a normal stove you will also have charging capabilities.

What you need to know

The biolite campstove 2 has its own battery inside so even when your fire is out you will still be able to get a small charge form it. It is a good idea to charge this before you leave as it could take 60 – 90 minutes to charge the 2600mAh battery.

The charging is slow. You will have your meal cooked and eaten long before you will charge you smartphone. It uses fans to increase to burn rate and the heat from the fire. This is controllable and is handy for when you want to turn up the heat to boil some water but it is a hungry little beast when in these higher settings.

I think the idea is great and there is not doubt that it will take you out of a hole if you need it but I wouldn’t like to rely on it. This technology will develop over time and I’m sure that one day they will be much more efficient at charging devices.


Not just a charger but a power bank, somewhere to cook and a source of heat.

Able to boil water quickly due to its fan system.


It is a little more weight to carry.

Slow at charging

Doesn’t work great in the rain and extreme cold.

The biolite campstove 2 can be found on Amazon. Click here to check the latest prices.

Pedal power

For those of you that may be bikepacking you have an ideal method of charging while you are on the go. Bicycles have a few different options when it comes to creating power.

What you need to know

Friction dynamo are the most popular and the easiest to fit but they are not the best if you intend on traveling long distances. My experience with these are that they can get pretty dirty after a while so you will have to clean them from time to time to keep the working properly.

Dynamo hubs have much less maintenance but you will have to rebuild your entire front wheel. It is surprising how little resistance they have and they generate 6v 3A at moderate speeds. However, dynamos generate AC power but your devices need DC so you may have to buy a separate unit to convert this and to regulate the power from you dynamo. It will depend on the dynamo you buy.

If you’re going with this method then it may be worth getting someone to build your wheel. Or better yet, buy an entire new front wheel with the hub already installed.


Keeps your devices charged while you are on the go.


Once you stop you won’t be creating any more power. For this reason it’s only really viable if you intend on cycling for large parts of the day. Maybe recharge a power bank while you’re on the go so that you will have power when you stop.

Amazon offer a huge range of bicycle dynamos. Click her to see if they method might suit you.

Hand generator

These are more of an emergency gadget than something I would turn to first. If all else fails these will get you out of a hole but you arms might fall off if you intend on charging your smartphone with it.

What you need to know

They’re a small inexpensive generator that works by holding the generator in one hand the turning a handle with your other hand. You have to keep turning the handle to generate power. If you want more power then the physical size of the generator will generally be bigger, heavier and harder to turn.

You can get ones with lights built into them and they will give you light for a period of time without needing to be turned. They are great for this but if you want to charging a smartphone then you will be turning for hours.

If you absolutely need your tech for survival then I would pack a small one of these and hope you don’t have to use it.


These will work anywhere.

They’re not reliant of the elements.


You will have to turn for hours to get your phone fully charged. However, if you just need a small percentage of battery to call for help then they can be a little lifesaver.

There are always new hand generators on the market so click here to check Amazon for what is available for now.


There is no one method here that will work flawlessly in every occasion. You will have to assess your location and the duration of your camp.

For longer trips a recommend having somewhere to store power like an external battery. You will also want a way to recharge these batteries so you should also take a product that will do this.

Choose a product that suits your location. In sunny areas solar may be the way to go, in wet areas then maybe a water turbine might be the answer.

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